How to Deal with Rejection: The Samaritan Woman

How to Deal with Rejection: The Samaritan Woman

The Bible tells us that Jesus sat by the well because He was tired. He was also alone since His disciples had gone to buy food in the city. A Samaritan woman then came to fetch water and He asked her for a drink. (John 4:6-8)
His request surprised her because she answered by asking Him, "How come You a Jew, are asking me, a Samaritan, for water to drink?" (John 4:9)
She asked Him this questions because at that time Jews did not have dealings with Samaritans(John 4:9)
From this interaction we can see that Jesus did not reject her because she was a Samaritan the way the other Jews had rejected Samaritans. 
Therefore that if you have been rejected by people because of your nationality, tribe, color or caste, understand that Jesus does not reject you.

Jesus does not reject you because of your nationality, tribe, color or caste. He accepts you.

The second lesson we can learn from Jesus' interaction with this woman is that He will not reject you because of your status in society. 
We see this when He told her to go and call her husband and she replied, "I do not have a husband". (John 4:16-17) 
Jesus commended her for her honesty by saying, "You have spoken well by saying you do not have a husband because you have had 5 husbands and the one you are currently living with now is also not your husband." (John 4:17-18) 
From this we can see that Jesus knew of her social issues but He still reached out to her. 
He did not reject her the way other people had for Bible scholars tell us that this was not the normal time for women to fetch water. We can thus assume she was going to the well at this odd hour to avoid meeting other people because they would probably look at her badly or make some cutting comments because of her "relationship situation". 

So if you are suffering because society has cast you aside because of your relationship status, understand that Jesus does not reject you. 
Jesus does not reject you because of your social and relationship issues. He accepts you.
Therefore come to Jesus because He does not reject you even if you have been rejected by peopled because of things you cannot control like your skin color, birth caste or tribe, 
Come to Jesus even if you are suffering from social rejection because of immoral or illegal things you have done because He will receive you the way He received this woman and offer you a solution the way He offered her one. 
Jesus offered  this woman a solution by telling her: "Whoever drinks the water that I give them, will never thirst again. The water that I give them will become a fountain  inside them that springs up into everlasting life.(John 4:14)
Therefore accept this water that will satisfy you and stop you from moving from man to man or from woman to woman as you look for fulfillment and acceptance that only God can give you.

To drink this water offered by Jesus you have to open your heart to Jesus and accept Him as your personal Savior. To do this, say with your mouth that "Jesus is Lord" and believe with your heart that when He died for our sins God raised Him from the dead and you will be saved. (Romans 10:9)
Then, commit to reading at least 1 chapter of the Bible each day and praying every moment you need His guidance and assistance. 
Finally, stop living with a man or woman who is not your husband or wife. Talk to them and decide whether you will take your relationship to the next level by getting married or whether you will sever ties with each other since you have now decided to follow Jesus.
Click here to read Rejection: The Alabaster Flask Woman
Click here to read Rejection: The Samaritan Woman
Click here to read Rejection: The Adulterous Woman 

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