How to Fight Infertility with Bible Verses

How to fight infertility with Bible verses

How to Fight Infertility with Bible Verses 

If you and your spouse have been unsuccessfully trying to have a baby, you have to combine spiritual, physical and medical interventions to form your own holistic deliverance ministry so that you can fight infertility effectively and get your own children.

The first spiritual intervention you should use is prayer because people in the Bible who did not have children prayed and God granted them their requests. One good example is Hannah who prayed for a son (1 Samuel 1:11) and she gave birth to Samuel.

We can also see that Isaac pleaded with the Lord for his wife because she was barren. God granted his plea and Rebekah conceived. (Genesis 25:21)

Therefore begin praying and as you pray use Bible verses since the Word of God is the sword of the spirit (Ephesians 6:17) that you can wield to fight barrenness. Scriptures that you can use to pray to fight childlessness include:
1. Heavenly Father we ask you in the name of Jesus to look on our affliction and give us a son/daughter just as you looked on Hannah’s and granted her Samuel. (1 Samuel 1:17)

2. Heavenly Father we ask you in the name of Jesus to grant us children because it is written that there shall not be a male or female who is barren among you. (Deuteronomy 7:14)

3. Heavenly Father we ask you in the name of Jesus to bless us with children so that our children may be like olive plants all around our table. (Adapted Psalm 128:3)

This is an excerpt from the book How to Fight Infertility with Bible Verses.

How to Fight Infertility with Bible Verses 2nd Edition

Spiritual warfare prayers to fight infertility

Chrisitan Affirmations to Fight Infertility
As a parent, I am like a fruitful vine in the heart of our house and our children are like olive plants all around our table. (Adapted Psalm 128:3) 

My descendants are many and my offspring are like the grass of the earth. (Adapted Job 5:25) 

Great nations are coming from my body. (Adapted Genesis 35:11) 
How to overcome infertility with Bible verses

These Christian affirmations to overcome infertility are adapted from How to Fight Infertility with Bible Verses 2nd Edition which teaches you the awesome Bible verses you can pray as spiritual warfare prayers, say as Christian affirmations and reflect on as Christian meditations to help you get your own children and become a father or a mother.

This Christian spiritual warfare ebook also teaches you the physical activities you can combine with these spiritual interventions so that you can wage effective spiritual warfare against the spirit of barrenness. 

 How to fight infertility with Bible verses

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