How to Miss Your Promised Land

How to Miss Your Promised Land

God promised the Israelites a Promised Land flowing with milk and honey.

When the Israelites sent spies to their Promised Land, they found that It truly flows with milk and honey (Numbers 13:28) but it also had strong people, protected cities, giant and it was also surrounded by their enemies the Amalekites, Hittites, Jebusites, Amorites and Canaanites. (Numbers 13:28-29)  

They then decided to believe the 10 spies who told them they could not possess instead of the 2 who said they could.

As a result God said they Would not see the Promised Land (Numbers 14:23) because of the following reasons:

1. They Rejected God
God asked Moses, "How long will these people reject Me?(Numbers 14:11) 

The Israelites rejected God when they decided to believe the report of the 10 spies who said they could not possess the Promised Land instead of believing God Who had told them He was taking them to it when they were leaving Egypt.

Therefore when you receive a report that is contrary to what God has told you as you pursue your Promised Land or any the other Promises of God, do not reject God by following the contrary report.

Go back to God and ask Him what you should do about the report you are receiving because we are told If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God Who gives to all freely and without reproach and it will be given. (James 1:5) 
If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God Who gives to all freely and without reproach and it will be given. (James 1:5)

2. They Did Not Believe God
God asked Moses, "How long will these people not believe Me with all the signs I have done among them?(Numbers 14:11) 

God had shown  them signs of His Power through the many things He did in Egypt to free them from slavery. To learn about them read Vengeance is Mine says the Lord.

These signs of the 10 plagues of Egypt and drowning Pharaoh's army in the Red Sea should have made the Israelites believe that God could also destroy the strong men and giants in their Promised Land.

Therefore to avoid missing your Promised Land because of the problems you are facing, remind yourself of the great things recorded in the Bible that God has done to help His people.

In addition, remind yourself also of the great things God has done for you in your life by keeping a Book of Blessings. This is a notebook where you write all the things that God has blessed you with. 

Read your Book of Blessings whenever you face challenges and the evidence of God's power in your life will help you face any problems you encounter as you pursue your Promised Land confidently.  

Click here to read The Importance of Keeping a Book of Blessings

3. They Tested God
God told Moses, "They have tested Me ten times". (Numbers 14:22) 

The Israelites tested God by doubting His ability to do various things. 

To avoid making the same mistake and missing your Promised Land, simply decide to believe that With God all things are possible. (Matthew 19:26)
With God all things are possible. (Matthew 19:26)

4. They Did Not Heed God's Voice
God told Moses, "They have not heeded my voice(Numbers 14:22)

To heed is to pay careful attention and the Israelites did not pay careful attention to the words that God was speaking to them through Moses. If they did they would have not believed the 10 spies who said they could not conquer Egypt.

Therefore decide to pay careful attention to the Word of God and any other Word He speaks specifically into your life.
This Book of the Law shall not leave your mouth you shall meditate on it day and night so that you do what is written and then you will be successful (Joshua 1:8)

5. They Did Not Follow God WholeHeartedly
God told Moses, "My servant Caleb has a different spirit and he has followed Me wholeheartedly and I will bring him into the Promised Land(Numbers 14:24)

Therefore if you do not want to miss your Promised Land, decide to be like Caleb and follow God with your whole heart.

Following God with your whole heart will also ensure that you do not entertain thoughts of going back to Egypt regardless of how strong, protected and gigantic the problems in your Promised Land are.

Emulate Abraham who Did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but he was strengthened in faith and praised God while being fully convinced that what God had promised He was also able to perform. (Romans 4:19-22)

To learn more and read God Loves Your 100%.

For more information on how to avoid making these same mistakes and missing your Promised Land or any of the other Promises of God read How to Posses your Promised Land. 

How to fight discouragement with Bible verses

Free Christian Counseling: Christian Treatment of PTSD Re-experiencing Symptoms

Christian Treatment of PTSD Re-experiencing Symptoms

I recently stopped goin to my counselor because she up and told me she was no longer gonna be open on Fridays.. :( fridays were my only day I could go see her. It's kinda really had me upset... She said I had PTSD and I am having a really tough time... Now I have not even her to talk to.... I don't know where to turn or what to do anymore....
PTSD stands for post traumatic stress disorder which is a condition which develops when a person experiences or witnesses a traumatic event that threatens their well-being and leaves them feeling hopeless and helpless.

These traumatic events include rape, sexual abuse, war, physical assault, physical abuse, relationship abuse, sudden death of a loved one, automobile accidents, plane crashes, child neglect, slavery and natural disasters like earthquakes. 

Symptoms of PTSD can be divided into re-experiencing, avoidance and hyperarousal. 

Re-experiencing Symptoms
Re-experiencing symptoms of PTSD include the following:
1. Upsetting memories or flashbacks about the event which can be in the form of persistent negative images and persistent negative thoughts
2. Nightmares 
3. Physical symptoms like pain, sweating, pounding heart, nausea and trembling when you are reminded of the event 

The Christian treatment of PTSD re-experiencing symptoms includes the following:

1. Consult a Counselor
I recommend that you look for another professional Counselor that you can consult. If you do not have another free day, you can search Google for online counseling so that you can find a Counselor you can consult regardless of where you are located on your free day.

2. Believe God can Heal You
The Bible tells us God heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds (Psalm 147:3) and you can can also believe that God heals the brokenminded.  

I use the term "brokenminded" with respect to mean a mind which has been hurt by traumatic events and is now "bleeding" by persistently replaying memories of the wounding events.

Therefore believe that God can heal not only your body but also your mind and bind up the mental and emotional wounds that trigger the distressing flashbacks because His name is Jehovah Rapha which means The Lord Who Heals (Exodus 15:26). 

Click here to read How to Strengthen Your Faith for Healing

Once you are convinced that God can heal your mind, pray and ask Him to heal you since The prayer of faith will save the sick and the Lord will raise them up. (James 5:14-15)

As you pray, use Bible verses since The sword of the spirit is  the Word of God (Ephesians 6:17). 

Bible verse prayers that you can pray for mental health and to be healed of PTSD include:
Heavenly Father, I ask You in the name of Jesus to restore my mental health and heal me of PTSD. (Adapted Jeremiah 30:17) 

Heavenly Father, I ask You in the name of Jesus to open Your Hand and satisfy my desire to be healed of PTSD. (Adapted Psalm 145:14-16) 

3. Meditate on God's Word
The Bibles tells us to Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Therefore change yourself by renovating your mind.

To  do this, meditate on healing Scriptures like the following whenever the distressing thoughts associated with the traumatic event cross your mind:
He sent His word and healed me. (Psalm 107:20) 

4. Confess God's Word
Since The tongue has the power of life and death, use your mouth to confess healing from PTSD. As you do so, use Bible verses since The sword of the spirit is the Word of God. (Ephesians 6:17)

Bible verses that you can meditate for PTSD healing include:
By His stripes I am healed. (Isaiah 53:5)

5. Listen to Christian Worship Music
Music can heal the mind for the Bible tells us that when Saul was troubled, David played music and it soothed him.

Therefore ensure that you listen to Christian worship music each day. You can develop the habit of listening to anointed music in the morning as you commute to work and in the evening before you fall asleep. 

I also recommend playing Christian worship music at very low volume all through the night as you sleep if you suffer from nightmares.

6. Replace Distressing Flashbacks
Every time the distressing flashbacks or memories of the traumatic events cross you mind, replace them with an opposite image that soothes your mind.

For example if you persistently see images of the serious motor vehicle accident you were involved in, replace them with an image of you driving peacefully down a beautiful road and arriving at your destination safely.  

Click on the link to read the Christian Treatment of PTSD Re-Experiencing Symptoms
Click on the link to read the Christian Treatment of PTSD Avoidance Symptoms
Click on the link to read the Christian Treatment of PTSD Hyperarousal Symptoms
Click on the link to read the Christian Treatment of Other PTSD Symptoms

If you appreciate our work please buy How to Fight for Your Health with Bible Verses

Click on the link to ask your question and get Free Christian Counseling

Kindness Week Fruit of the Spirit Challenge

Love Week Fruit of the Spirit Challenge

The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience or longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (Galatians 5:22-23)
The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience or longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (Galatians 5:22-23)

Kindness Week

Say the following affirmation every morning and evening

I am loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful, gentle and self-controlled.

The tongue has the power of life and death Proverbs 18:21

Actions to Self
Do something that shows you that you are kind to yourself each day. 

As do your self-loving action, meditate on "I am kind to myself".

Love your neighbor as you love yourself Matthew 22:39

Actions to Others
Do something that shows kindness to a person you meet every day. 

This can be a kind action like buying a street child a meal.
It can be saying kind words like “You are doing just fine” and meaning it. 
It can be thinking kind thoughts like “Heavenly Father I ask You in the name of Jesus to bless this person”.

Do your kind actions without expecting anything in return like the Good Samaritan.

Finish your day by asking yourself, “Was I loving, joyful, peaceful, patient and kind today?”

If you were not, make a mental note to do better tomorrow. 
If you were, make a mental note to continue displaying the fruits of the spirit.
Blessed is the person who helps the poor for the Lord will deliver them from trouble,  preserve them from death and bless them. Psalm 41:1-3

The Good Samaritan
A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho and he was attached by thieves who stripped him of his clothing, wounded him and left him half dead.

A priest passed that way and when he saw the wounded man, he crossed the road and went to other side.  

A Levite also passed by that road and when he looked at him, he also crossed to the other side.

A Samaritan came down that road and when he saw the wounded man, he felt compassion for him. He bound his wounds, pouring oil and wine on them and placed him on his animal. He took him to an inn and took care of him.  

The next morning, before he departed, he took two pence and gave them to the innkeeper and asked him to take care of the wounded man and he would pay him for any extra money he spent when he came back.  (Luke 10:30-35) 

How to fight discouragement with Bible verses

How to Solve the Problems in Your Promised Land

How to Solve the Problems in Your Promised Land

God promised the Israelites a Promised Land which would be flowing with milk and honey. 

When they went to spy it out, they found that It truly flows with milk and honey. (Numbers 13:28) 

However, it also had the following problems:

1. The people in their Promised Land were strong (Numbers 13:28) 

2. The cities in their Promised Land were protected. (Numbers 13:28)

3. There were giants in their Promised Land. (Numbers 13:28)

4. Their Promised Land was surrounded by their enemies the Amalekites in the south, the Hittites, Jebusites and Amorites in the mountains and the Canaanites along the sea shore. (Numbers 13:29) 

Therefore regardless of whether you have received a spouse, child, business, job or any other of the Promises of God, if it comes filled with problems, do not throw it away like the Israelites who cried all night and said, "Let us chose a leader and return to Egypt!" (Numbers 14:4) when they realized their Promised Land was land filled with problems. 

To deal with the problems in your Promised Land, go back to the same God who gave it to you and ask Him how you shall deal with those problems because He knew they were there when He was giving them to you. 

We know that God knew the Promised Land was surrounded by the enemies of the Israelites because He told Moses "The Amalekites and the Canaanites live in the valley". (Numbers 14:25)
It is well 2 Kings 4:26
Emulate the woman who was given the promise of a baby by Elisha when he prophesied over her saying, "About this time next year you shall have a son" (2 Kings 4:15) and at the appointed time, she gave birth to a boy.

This woman's Promised Son developed a problem one day when he was in the field with his father for he complained of a headache and died. His mother took him and placed him in a bed and then asked her husband for a young man and a donkey to take her to the Prophet of God Elisha who was at Mount Carmel. (2 Kings 4:20-25)  

She wisely chose to go back to see Elisha because he was the one who had prophesied about getting a child so that he could tell her what she would about the problem that her Promised Son had developed. Elisha solved the problem of her Promised Son and he came back to life. (2 Kings 4:32-37)

So if the Promise you receive comes filled with problems or it develops problems along the way, go back to God Who gave it to you or the person who God used to give it to you so that they can tell you what you should do next. 

How to fight discouragement with Bible verses

How to Posses Your Promised Land

How to Posses Your Promised Land

God promised the Israelites a Promised Land which would be flowing with milk and honey. 

When they went to spy it out, they found that It truly flows with milk and honey. (Numbers 13:28) 

However, it also had the following problems:

1. The people in their Promised Land were strong (Numbers 13:28) 

2. The cities in their Promised Land were protected. (Numbers 13:28)

3. There were giants in their Promised Land. (Numbers 13:28)

4. Their Promised Land was surrounded by their enemies the Amalekites in the south, the Hittites, Jebusites and Amorites in the mountains and the Canaanites along the sea shore. (Numbers 13:29) 

The Israelites were discouraged when they learned about these problems and they did the following:
1. Cried (Numbers 14:1)

2. Complained (Numbers 14:1) 

3. Cursed themselves by saying If only we had died in Egypt. (Numbers 14:2)

4. Spoke against God asking Why has God brought us here to die from war? (Numbers 14:3) 

5. Gave up on the promise of God for their life because they said, Let us chose a leader and return to Egypt. (Numbers 14:4)
The Promises of God Free Ebook

Therefore when you are pursuing one of the Promises of God and you come across problems, do not do what the Israelites did.

Instead follow the recipe that Joshua and Caleb gave them for possessing their Promised Land when they told the Israelites, "The Promised Land is an exceedingly good land. If God delights in us He will bring us into the Land and give it to us ... Only do not rebel against God or fear the people of the Land ... God is with us. Do not fear them." (Numbers 14:7-9)

To follow this recipe, do the following:

1. Focus On The Good
Joshua and Caleb reiterated that The Promised Land is an exceedingly good land (Numbers 14:7-9) and they did not waste their energy regurgitating the negative things about the Promised Land.

Likewise, know the positive and  negative attributes of your Promised Land but then focus only on the positive. So if your Promised Land is filled with the problems of strong people, protected cities and giants, note their presence but focus your mind on the abundant  milk, honey and gigantic grapes.To learn why you should do this read How to Deal with Giants in Your Life.
How to deal with giants in your life   

2. Delight Yourself in God
Joshua and Caleb told the Israelites, "If God delights in us He will bring us into the Land and give it to us".

This means that if God found them delightful He would help them possess their Promised Land even if it was filled with problems. 

Therefore, do the things that please God so that you can delightful in His eyes. These things include:

1. Believing God
Without faith it is impossible to please God. (Hebrews 11:6)

Therefore develop your faith by deciding to believe God and what is written in the Bible because it is His Word.   

To do this if God has promised to give you a Promised Land filled with milk and honey, see yourself in your mind feeding on the milk and honey even if in reality there are strong people, protected cities and giants standing between you and your Promised Land because Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1)

When doubts creep into your mind telling you that the gigantic problems are too big for you, remind yourself that not believing God is one of the reasons that made God not delight in this generation of Israelites and declare that they would not enter the Promised Land because if they had truly believed that God had given them the Promised Land they would not have cried, complained and cursed when they found that there were numerous problems in and around it. 

How to waste 40 years solving an 11 day problem

2. Obeying God
Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying His voice?
Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice and to heed better than the fat of rams. (1 Samuel 15:22)

Offering burnt sacrifices to God pleases Him but obeying Him brings Him even more delight. Therefore do your level best to obey Him since we are also told Delight yourself in God and He shall give you the desires of your heart. (Psalm 37:4)  
Delight yourself in God and He shall give you the desires of your heart. (Psalm 37:4)

3. Being Righteous
The sacrifice of the wicked person is an abomination to the Lord but the prayer of the upright person is His delight. (Proverbs 15:8)

Therefore try to be righteous or to do the right thing in the eyes of God so that your prayers can delight Him. 

Click here to read more Benefits of Righteousness
The benefits of righteousness

3. Do Not Rebel Against God
Joshua and Caleb told the Israelites, "Do not rebel against God".

Rebellion against God is a serious sin for we are told Rebellion is like the sin of witchcraft and stubbornness is like the sin of idolatry. (1 Samuel 15:23)

Therefore do not let the problems you encounter as you pursue the Promises of God for your life make you part ways with God and decide to go your own way. 

The Israelites did this when they said Let us chose a leader and return to Egypt (Numbers 14:4) even though they had seen the many things that God had done to get them out of Egypt. 

When the gigantic problems you encounter tempt you to rebel against God and stop being a Christian, create time to listen to Christian worship music.

Worshiping God will allow you to surrender your problems and your feelings about the situation to God. 

After you have released the feelings of rebellion, disappointment and all other feelings that may have arisen from encountering the problems in your Promised Land, begin praising God since God is enthroned in praises (Psalm 22:3). 

By praising God in the middle of the problem You will be declaring that He is still God over your situation and calling on Him to reveal His Mighty Power on your behalf because The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth so that He can show Himself strong on behalf of those who are loyal to Him. (2 Chronicles 16:9) 
The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth so that He can show Himself strong on behalf of those who are loyal to Him. (2 Chronicles 16:9)

4. Do Not Fear
Joshua and Caleb told the Israelites, "Do not fear the people of the Land ... Do not fear them".

Fear is one of the Devices of the Devil and it can keep you from possessing your Promised Land with its paralyzing effect. 

Therefore do not fear the strong people, the giants, the fortified cities, the surrounding enemies or any other problem you may encounter as you move to possess your Promised Land. 

When you encounter problems that make you afraid, decide to believe that God can help you overcome them because by doing this you will be shielding your mind from fear with faith.

This shield of faith is very important because are told to take The shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. (Ephesians 6:16) 

To help you hold up your shield of faith you can confess and meditate on fear fighting Bible verses like Do not be afraid because I am with you. Do not be dismayed because I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will uphold you with My Right Hand. (Isaiah 41:10)
Do not be afraid because I am with you. Do not be dismayed because I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will uphold you with My Right Hand. (Isaiah 41:10)

5. Believe God is With You
Joshua and Caleb told the Israelites, "God is with us".

Therefore believe that God is with you since this will give you the confidence to face all the problems that stand between you and your Promised Land because With God all things are possible. (Matthew 19:26) 
With God all things are possible. (Matthew 19:26)

How to fight discouragement with Bible verses

Free Christian Counseling: How to Sanctify Your Home

Free Christian Counseling: How to Sanctify Your Home

Pray for my husband,children and my son-inlaw, I was told by 4 different pastors 2 of which are my brothers that my husband had a curse put on him for which none of them wanted to pray for his deliverance. I have been praying for him for months cause ever since we lived with my little sister for 7 months to help her out because her husband was in prison and we never knew she and her husband were into witchcraft until she showed me her library of incantations. I scolded her for having those books cause we grew up in church, but she didn't want to hear what I had to say she told me that she was jealous because her and her husband had been in trouble with the law and that my husband and I never did. I told that her and her husband have to get right with God because she was loosing her children to drugs but she didn't want to hear it, she said that it was her life and that no one could tell her what to do. So I started praying for her and her family got upset because I was praying for their deliverance and started cursing at me, after that things got worse between my husband and I and my husband had never laid a hand on me. I was pregnant and had a miscarriage, my husband got very upset with me thinking that I had lost our baby purposely so he slapped me around a little bit till my eldest daughter came in to stop her dad. My husband had never had violent outbreaks like that and that took me by surprise, I walked to my brothers room called my mother- inlaw and she told me to call the police or put him in a mental institution. My husband came to my brothers room to ask for forgiveness and told me that he didn't know what happened, he didn't feel like himself and said you know I have never laid a hand on you and I told him well I forgive you but we have to move out. A week later we gave a hundred dollars down on an apartment but my sister got mad and said that my husband and I are not going to move out until we pay her depts first and give them money to move because her husband is native American they were given free land in yuma and they needed the money. I told what did you do with the money we gave you? My sister said non of your business what her and her husband do with the money is their affair not ours, well I told her if I give you more money then I wont be able to pay the rest of the deposit on our apartment so she threw us out that night no where to go there was some hotels close by so what money we had we stayed at a hotel for a week. That night I prayed for God and called my mother- law and my cousin for help financially to get our apartment, thank God they were able to help us with the money to move in. My husband had always worked to support us and loved going to church, he is also a clean freak and now he is lazy hasn't had a job in 2 years and and hasn't cleaned house. I want to work and clean but he won't let me, we used to work together at the same job now and he was thinner. Now he acts like my little sisters husband he drinks abd smokes and hates sundays and always wants to fight with my son- inlaw who just came to the Lord and struggkes with his salvation, he gets co nfused because if he doesn't accept my husbands invitation to drink or smoke all hell breaks loose and if my children don't want to see horror with him all hell breaks loose. I tried to get some help because he wanted to cause an argument, so I found a website online on how to break curses so I prayed according to what that person said to pray and told me to ask the demons name and I did and the demon said lucifer and swung at me I didn't move fast enough and my husband swung at me sideways and hit me in the eye. He went back to himself again and asked for forgiveness and said that maybe he should leave for good, but then he says that he can't make it without us only because my daughter and her husband are the only ones working. Today knowing that rent needs to be payed asks my daughter and son- inlaw to buy him this big picture thats worth 70 bucks and doesn't care if we are short on rent, now my daughter is stressing and if we say something he will get angry. Like I said he was never like this, now he smokes inside and my lungs hurt and I can't say anything because he says women need to keep quite and respect their husbands and he curses liberal women. Please help me pray for these strongholds ti come down in the name of Jesus,thank you for taking the time to read my message.

How to Sanctify Your Home

To solve the problems you are facing in your marriage and home, I suggest you follow these steps to sanctify yourself and your home:

1. Get Saved
To get saved, say with your mouth "Jesus is Lord" and believe in your heart that when He died for our sins God raised Him from the dead and you will be saved. (Romans 10:9)

Then workout your own salvation. Click here to read How to Workout Your Salvation

2. Put on God's Armor
This armor of God is very important in helping you fight and win spiritual battles like the one you are engaged in. Click here to learn How to Put on the Armor of God.

3. Pray without Ceasing
The Bible tells us that We do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses because He was tempted in all points just as we are and yet He was without sin.

Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace so that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help us in time of need. (Hebrews 4:15-16)

So, go boldly to the throne of grace and pray for your husband for yourself even if Pastors do not want to pray for him. 

Commit to Pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17) so that you can find out from God the curse that is on his life and discover what you need to do to break it because God also tells use Call Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things which do not know. (Jeremiah 33:3)

As you pray always ensure you are wearing the breastplate of righteousness because The effective fervent prayer of a righteous person availeth much. (James 5:16)

4. Loose Yourself
Jesus asked, How can one enter a strong man's house and plunder their goods unless their first bind that strong man and then plunder his house? (Matthew 12:29)

From your case it seems that when your little sister lived with you in addition to attacking with witchcraft, she also bound you and plundered your marriage and house because you say your husband did not have violent outbursts before and he always worked to support your family and loved going to church and was a clean freak but now he hates Sundays, and does not clean or work.

To lose yourself, pray and ask Jesus to set you free because He liberated the woman who had a spirit of infirmity for 18 years and she could in no way raise herself up. (Luke 13:11-13) 

Then confess freedom Scriptures over yourself like:
I have freedom in Christ Jesus. (Adapted Galatians 2:4)

I am free and free indeed because she who the Son sets free is free indeed. (Adapted John 8:36)

My body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19) and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom. (2 Corinthians 3:17)

I am standing in the liberty by which Jesus Christ has made me free. (Adapted Galatians 5:1)

I walk in freedom because I seek the precepts of God. (Adapted Psalm 119:45)

Note that you may have to combine your prayers with fasting in order to lose yourself completely.

5. Recover your Losses
Pray and ask God to help you recover what you lost when you were bound and your marriage and home plundered.

Combine your prayers with confessing restoration Bible verses like following over your marriage and husband:
God is restoring double for my trouble. (Adapted Zechariah 9:12)

Jesus is giving me beauty instead of ashes and joy instead of mourning. (Adapted Isaiah 61:3)

I am recovering everything. (Adapted 1 Samuel 30:8)

Instead of shame in my life, marriage and home, I have double honor. (Adapted Isaiah 61:7)

Instead of confusion in my life, marriage and home, I rejoice in my portion(Adapted Isaiah 61:7)
God is giving me beauty to replace ashes, joy to replace mourning, praise to replace sadness. (Adapted Isaiah 61:3)

5. Get Your Family Saved
Speak to your children who can understand the concept of salvation and lead them to the Lord Jesus.

Then begin talking to your husband about getting saved. If he does not want to hear about salvation or Jesus, preach to him with your actions for the Bible tells us, Wives submit to your husbands so that even if they do not obey the Word, they will without a word, be won over by the conduct of their wives when they observe your chaste conduct. (1 Peter 3:1-2)

Therefore let your good conduct do the talking and tell your husband about Jesus without you saying a word with your mouth and God will save him at the appointed time.

6. Build God an Altar in Your Home 
Build an altar for God inside your home. Click here to here to learn How to Set Up a Family Altar in Your Home.

You can also dedicate your home and all its occupants and contents to Jehovah Shalom which means The Lord Is Peace (Judges 6:24).

How to set up a family altar in your home

7. Remove Idols from Your Home
Remove all idols, tarot cards, ouija boards, yoga equipment, witchcraft equipment and all other paraphernalia used for fortune telling, dealing with other gods, evil spirits or the occult in any other way.

Remove these items from your home and burn them. Sometimes these items are buried somewhere and you should ask God to show you their locations so that you can uproot them spiritually even if you cannot uproot them physically.

As you pray, address your prayers to Jehovah Mikadishkim because He revealed this aspect of himself to the Israelites when he told them, "Consecrate yourselves and be holy because I am the Lord your God and keep my statues because I am the Lord who sanctifies you." (Leviticus 20:7-8)

If these evil items belong to your husband and you are afraid of what he will do when he finds them missing, leave them where they are but break their power spiritually by praying since The weapons of our warfare are not carnal. But they are mighty through God for the pulling down of strongholds. (2 Corinthians 10:4) These mighty weapons are salvation, righteousness, truth, the Gospel, faith and the Word of God which constitute the Armor of God. 

For example, you can pray and say, God has given me authority over nations and kingdoms to root out, to pull down, to destroy, to throw down, to build and to plant. (Jeremiah 1:10) 

I, therefore, plead the Blood of Jesus and root out, pull down, destroy and throw down all evil items and evil altars in my home dedicated to false gods. 

I build and plant an altar in my home and dedicate to the one true God, Jehovah Shalom, the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

After removing these items, clean your home and keep it clean to the best of your ability even if your husband does not want to clean.  If you feel tired every time you begin cleaning read How to Treat Spiritual Chronic Fatigue

You can also also buy some red grape juice, pray over it to represent the Blood of Jesus and sprinkle it over the rooms in the home to cleanse them spiritually. You can also spray water that you have prayed over to sanctify your home. 

8. Speak God's Word in Your Home

The Sword of the Spirit is the Word of God (Ephesians 6:17) therefore fight for your home spiritually by speaking the Word of God in it every day. For example you can do this when you are cleaning and tidying the different rooms in your home or at any other time. 

Bible verses that you can confess as Christian affirmations over your home include:
As for me and my house we will serve the Lord. (Joshua 24:15)

Peace be to this house! (Adapted Luke 10:5)

Peace be to us. Peace be to this house. Peace be to all that we have. (Adapted 1 Samuel 25:6)

May the Lord bless us and keep us. May the Lord make His face to shine upon us and be gracious to us. May the Lord lift up His countenance upon us and give us peace. (Adapted Numbers 6:24-26)

God's eyes are open and His ears are attentive to the prayer that is made in this place. For He has chosen and consecrated this house so that His name may be here forever. God's eyes and heart will be here for ever. (Adapted 2 Chronicles 7:15-16)

9. Play Christian Music in Your Home
We are told to Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise (Psalm 100:4) so play Christian praise and worship music in your home all the time. 

If your husband does not like Christian music, you can play it even at zero volume because it works on the spiritual place even when it is not being heard audibly. 

Inviting God's presence and spirit in your home will also keep the evil spirits you have expelled from your home from coming back again for Jesus taught that When an unclean spirit goes out of a person, it goes through dry places looking for rest and finding none, it says, "I will return to my house from where I came." When it comes back, it finds it swept and in order. Then it goes and takes 7 other spirits which are more wicked than itself and they enter and live there and the last state of that person is worse than the first." (Luke 11:24-26)

As you put these measures of cleansing yourself and your home, ensure that you are always in close communication with God by Praying without ceasing and reading your Bible each day because God is the one who best knows how you can win the battle and He can direct you as you seek His face. 
Enter his gates with thanksgiving. Enter his courts with praise. Psalm 100:4

10. Obey God
Once God shows you what you should do to break the curses on your husband's life or anything else that you should do to change the situation in your marriage and in your home, obey Him. If it is a hard thing, ask Him to give you the strength to help you do it. 

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