2 Kings 5 Bible Study Naaman and God

2 Kings 5 Bible Study Naaman and God

After Naaman was healed by God through Elisha, he asked for 2 loads of earth so that he could sacrifice to the Lord God Almighty when he went back to his country. 

He also asked for forgiveness because he had to accompany the King to the temple of the god Rimmon where he bowed down since the King leaned on his hand as he was the Commander-in-Chief of his army. (2 Kings 5:17-18)  

Elisha's response to him was "Go in peace". (2 Kings 5:17-18)

We can see that Naaman was in a tight situation since had just discovered that the God of Elisha was the true God and he could not stop accompanying the king to his temple now that he had been healed of leprosy. 

He thus needed God to understand his situation and grant him forgiveness which he was given.
2 Kings 5 Lesson 6: God knows your case.
Therefore if you have just realized that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ is the only true God but you are in a tight situation like Naaman where you must accompany someone to somewhere where they worship a false god understand that God knows your case and understands your situation.

To deal with that tricky situation I suggest that you:
1. Get saved today by saying with your mouth that "Jesus is Lord" and believing in your heart that when He died for our sins God raised Him from the dead and you will be saved. (Romans 10:9) 

2. Pray and ask God to show you how you can best extricate yourself from that situation. 

If you belong to another faith and you do not know how you can go to a Christian Church because of your social situation, but in your heart you know that Jesus is Lord, do not stop worshiping Him in secret as you pray for His guidance about how to best deal with your situation. Know that He understands where you are socially, financially and in all other ways and trust Him to take care of you and make a way for you.

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