How to Take Your Miracle Today

How to Take Your Miracle Today

The woman with the issue of blood teaches us many Bible lessons like the following:

1. Refuse to be a victim

2. How to deal with many problems

3. How to have hope in a hopeless situation

In addition to these lessons, this woman also teaches us how to take your miracle today. 

This is because she took her healing miracle by faith instead of waiting for it to be given to her. 

Therefore if you are in a desperate situation like this woman, know that you may have to take your miracle instead of waiting for it to be given to you by doing the following:

1. Do not let facts discourage you
This woman's situation was very discouraging because:
1. She had bled for 12 years (Mark 5:25)
2. She had suffered many things from many doctors (Mark 5:26)
3. She had spent all her money (Mark 5:26
4. Her disease continued to worsen despite all her efforts.   

However, regardless of what she had been through and what she had done, this woman did not let the facts about her situation discourage her and cause her to give up.

Therefore, even if you have searched for a spouse for 12 years or tried to conceive a child for 12 years or looked for a job for 12 years or suffered because of any other problem for more years, do not let the facts of your situation discourage you.

Instead, encourage yourself in the Lord like David. Click here to learn How to Encourage Yourself in God.

How to encourage yourself in the Lord

2. Listen to teaching about Jesus

The Bible tells us that this woman heard about Jesus. (Mark 5:27)

Therefore, make it a point to listen to preaching about Jesus because Faith comes by hearing (Romans 10:7) and listening to teachings about Him will build your faith in Him. 

3. Come to Jesus
When this woman heard about Jesus, she came to Him. (Mark 5:27)

Therefore, come to Jesus today by saying with your mouth that "Jesus is Lord' and believing in your heart that when He died for our sins God raised Him from the dead and you will be saved. (Romans 10:9)

After doing this, click on the link to read How to Work Out your Salvation.
How to Work Out your Salvation

Have Faith in Jesus
As you come to Jesus, you must have faith that He can change your situation for the better like this woman because Jesus told her Your faith has made you well. (Mark 5:34) 

Therefore believe that Jesus can improve your situation and give you the miracle you so need in your life because He is the Son of God and With God all things are possible. (Matthew 19:26) 

To learn more read How to Strengthen your Faith.
How to strengthen your faith

Touch Jesus
This woman touched Jesus' garment. (Mark 5:27)

Therefore, touch Jesus today with your prayers. To do this effectively, read How to Pray for your Stressful Situation.
How to pray for your stressful situation

Do Something Physical
In addition to doing something spiritual about her situation like touching Jesus, this woman did something physical because she pressed through the crowd until she touched the hem of Jesus' garment.

Therefore, ensure that you do something physical to improve your situation instead of just sitting at home and wallowing in self pity because Faith without works is dead. (James 2:26)  

For example if you have searched for a spouse for 12 years you can join a Christian singles group and read How to Fight Being Single with Bible Verses
If you have tried to conceive a child for 12 years you can consult a new Fertility Specialist and read How to Fight Infertility with Bible Verses
If you have looked for a job for 12 years you can start your own business. 
If you have looked for healing for 12 years, you can consult a new doctor and read How to Fight for your Health with Bible Verses.
Regardless of the problem that you have faced for many years, do something physical to improve your situation and read How to Fight Christian Spiritual Battles Effectively.

However, regardless of the physical thing that you do, do it while believing that Jesus will bless your actions and they shall be fruitful.
How to fight Christian spiritual battles effectively

Push Through Opposition
Since this woman had to press through the crowd to get to Jesus, know that you also have to press through the opposition standing in your path to get your miracle.

Therefore do not despair because you have fight opposition in addition to dealing with your current problems.  

Speak to Yourself and to Your Situation
This woman spoke to herself for she said, "If only I touch the His garment, I shall be made well." (Mark 5:28)

Therefore, speak to yourself and tell yourself what will happen. 

In addition, speak to your situation and tell it what will happen. Even if your situation has spoken to you for many years and told you that it will not change for the better by showing you that the more you try to change it, the worse it will become, still speak to it and tell it what will happen because Death and life are in the power of the tongue. (Proverbs 18:21) 

As you speak to your stressful situation and to yourself, ensure that you use Bible verses since The sword of the spirit ... is the word of God. (Ephesians 6:17)

To learn the Bible verses that you can use to speak to yourself and to your stressful situation, read Christian Affirmations for Success, Self-Esteem and Healing
Christian affirmations for success, self-esteem and healing

So, do all these things because this is what this woman did to be healed for Immediately the fountain of blood dried up and she felt in her body that she was healed. (Mark 5:29)

How to increase your faith

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