How Is It that You Do Not Have Faith?

How is it that you do not have faith?

How is it that you do not have faith is part of our God Questions Series that comprises of questions that God asks you not because He does not know the answers, but He asks you so that you can ask yourself the same questions and figure out the answer.

God Questions to ask yourself

How Is It that You Do Not Have Faith?

When Jesus told the disciples to cross to the other side of the river, they obediently got into a boat and then a great storm arose. The wind and waves violently hit their boat rapidly filling it with water. 

As this was happening, Jesus was asleep in the stern of the boat. (Mark 4:35-38)

The disciples woke Him up and asked Him, "Do You not care that we are perishing?(Mark 4:38)

In response to their question, Jesus rebuked the wind and it ceased howling. He also spoke to the sea commanding it to be still and it became calm. 

Then, after settling the the storm, He spoke to His disciples and asked them, Why are you so fearful? (Mark 4:40) How is it that you do not have faith? (Mark 4:40)

I think that Jesus first spoke to the wind and the waves before He spoke to the disciples so that He could display His power and remind them of Who He was. 

By reminding them of His power to control the wind and waves, His question of Why are you so fearful? (Mark 4:40) could then be interpreted as "Why are you so fearful of the storm when you are traveling with the Person who can control the storm?"

Therefore, when you are faced with a stressful problem, do not be afraid because this same Jesus is with you in the storm if you have accepted Him as your Lord and Savior. (If you have not accepted Him, click here to learn How to Work Out Your Own Salvation
How to workout your own salvation

Jesus also first commanded the wind and the waves to calm down  before He spoke to His disciples to calm their fears so that His second question of How is it that you do not have faith? (Mark 4:40) could be viewed as "How is it that you do not have faith when you have seen what I can do?"

This calming of the storm was not the first miracle that Jesus had done because He had healed a man with an unclean spirit in the synagogue in Mark 1:23-26, healed a paralyzed man who had been brought by 4 men in Mark 2:1-12 and healed a man with a withered hand in Mark 3:1-5. 

However, even though the disciples may have had faith in Jesus' healing ability, they did not have faith in His storm calming ability and that is why they thought they were going to die and asked Him Do You not care that we are perishing? (Mark 4:38)

The lesson that we can learn here is that With God all things are possible. (Matthew 19:26) This means that if Jesus, the Son of God, can heal, He can also do other miraculous things like calm storms because With God all things are possible. (Matthew 19:26) 

Therefore, if you prayed to God in the name of Jesus and He miraculously healed you of a disease that was stressing you last month, believe that He can also miraculously help you deal with the new problem that is stressing you this month even if it is affecting a different facet of your life like your business because With God all things are possible. (Matthew 19:26)  

So do not let your faith in God's ability to solve your problem waver just because you are facing a new problem that you have not seen Him solve for you in your life or heard people testify that He solved it for them in their lives. 

Instead just decide to believe that With God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26) so that you are not asked How is it that you do not have faith? (Mark 4:40) when you have been travelling with Jesus for all this time.

How to increase your faith

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