How To Take Good Digital Photos

How To Take Good Digital Photos

How To Take Good Digital Photos

The Rule of Thirds
The Rule of Thirds is one of the things you have to keep in mind if you want to take good photographs.

This Rule of Thirds is determined by drawing two parallel horizontal lines and two parallel vertical lines in order to divide your view finder or picture into 9 equal spaces.

The Rule of Thirds then advocates that the subject of the photo should be placed where any of the parallel lines meet or on those parallel lines. This means that the subject should be 1/3 up or 1/3 down or 1/3 to the right or 1/3 to the left of the center of the photo because that is where the eye is naturally drawn.

For example, in the photo below you can see that the sky takes up approximately 2/3 of the photo while the trees and grass take up 1/3 because the sky is the area of interest in this photo.

If the vegetation is the area of interest in your landscape photos, then let it take up 2/3 of the image while the sky takes up the remaining 1/3.

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This photography blog post is an excerpt of How to Take Good Digital Photos.

How To Take Good Digital Photos uses color photographs and clear explanations to teach you the main principles of picture composition so that you can improve your digital camera photography skills and take better photos for fun or to create an extra source of passive income by selling stock photos online.

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