Life Lesson 6 from Prophet Elijah and the Poor Widow

Life Lesson 6 from Prophet Elijah and the Poor Widow

Life Lesson 6 from Prophet Elijah and the Poor Widow

Prioritize God's Work

Elijah was not against this woman preparing a meal for her family but he first wanted her to prepare a cake for him for he told her, "Go and do as you have said but first make a small cake for me, bring it to me and then prepare some for you and your son." (1 Kings 17:13)

Therefore ensure that you handle God's business first before you mind your own business. 

This is especially important when what you have cannot meet your own needs. For example, if your income is too little to meet all your monthly expenses, ensure that you tithe to God first and then ask Him to guide you and show you how you can use the rest of the money wisely as He opens the windows of Heaven to bless you with more resources.

So, do not use the oil with dregs at the bottom of your jar as your offering to the Lord. Give Him from the best of what you have for He says, A son honors his father and a servant honors his master. If then I am your Father, where is My honor? And if I am your Master, where is my respect? says the Lord of hosts (Malachi 1:6)

You offer defiled food on My altar and say, "In what way have we defiled You? ... And when you offer the blind as a sacrifice, is it not evil? And when you offer the lame and sick is it not evil?" (Malachi 1:7-8) 

Instead of displeasing God by giving Him bad things, Entreat God's favor so that He may be gracious to us (Malachi 1:9) by offering Him from the best of what you have. 

Bible study for women 1 Kings Prophet Elijah

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