Abraham, What Do You Choose?

Abraham, What Do You Choose?

When Abraham was a very old man and his wife Sarah was an old, barren woman, God told him "I have made you a father of many nations". (Romans 4:17) 

The Bible tells us that Abraham Did not consider his own body already dead since he was around 100 years old or the deadness of Sarah's womb. 

Abraham did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but he was strengthened in faith and giving glory to God while being fully convinced that what God had promised He was also able to perform. (Romans 4:19-22) 

As a result of making the right choices, Abraham Became the father of many nations according to what was spoken. (Romans 4:18)

Therefore if you want to receive the promises of God and miraculous solutions for your problems, emulate the following choices that Abraham made:

Lessons from the Word of God and the Life of Abraham to help you make right choices and solve your problems

Abraham did not choose to think about his limitations
Abraham did not choose to think about his limitations since the Bible tells us that he Did not consider his own body already dead since he was around 100 years old. (Romans 4:19) 

Therefore even if you are as good as dead the way Abraham's body was as good as dead in terms of procreation, do not think about your limitations. 

Make it a point not to meditate about your shortcomings regardless of whether they are physical limitations like diseases you are suffering from or financial limitations like the lack of money or social limitations or any other limitations you may be suffering from. 

Abraham did not choose to think about the limitations of his helpers
Abraham did not choose to think about the limitations of his helpers since the Bible tells us that he Did not consider ... the deadness of Sarah's womb. (Romans 4:19) 

Therefore even if the people who are supposed to help you are barren (poor and unproductive) or impotent (weak and powerless), do not think about their limitations. 

Make it a point not to meditate about their shortcomings regardless of whether they are intellectual limitations like not being educated or physical limitations like being "too old" or financial limitations like not having a job or social limitations like being "different" or any other limitations they may have.

Abraham chose to believe the Word of God
Abraham chose to believe the Word of God since the Bible tells us that He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief. (Romans 4:20)

Therefore choose to believe what God says in His Word.

So, if the Bible verses you are believing for your situation say, "I have made you a father of many nations(Romans 4:17)  decide to believe that you are already a father or mother of many nations.

Abraham chose to believe God wholeheartedly
Abraham chose to believe God wholeheartedly since the Bible tells us that He was fully convinced that what God had promised He was also able to perform(Romans 4:20)

Therefore chose to believe that God can do what He says He can do.

So, if the Bible verses you are believing for your situation say, "I have made you a father of many nations" (Romans 4:17) decide tot believe that God has already made you a father or mother of many nations.

Abraham chose to hope against all hope
Abraham chose to hope against all hope since the Bible tells us that Contrary to hope, he believed in hope(Romans 4:18) This is because his circumstances did not offer him anything to look forward to since his body was as good as dead when it came to procreation and Sarah had been barren even when she was young. 

Therefore even if your current limitations do not give you anything to look forward to, chose to hope in God even if your situation is hopeless when viewed with human eyes. 

So, combine your faith in God and faith in His Word and faith in His ability to do what He says with placing your hope in God that He can change your situation for the better.

Abraham chose to make faith stronger
Abraham chose to make his faith stronger since the Bible tells us that He was strengthened in faith. (Romans 4:20)

Therefore, choose to strengthen your faith. 

To do learn how to do this read How to Strengthen your Faith.

How to strengthen your faith in God

Abraham chose to praise God
Abraham chose to praise God since the Bible tells us that he was Giving glory to God(Romans 4:20)

Therefore chose to praise God as you wait to receive what He has promised to give you.

To learn the Promises of God that you can believe to receive God's protection, provision, healing and help as well as to receive solutions for problems in your finances, family and work, read The Promises of God and Their Conditions

The Promises of God and their Conditions is a Christian self help book that teaches you biblical promises for provision, protection, healing, help, finances, family, future, work and success.

The Promises of God and their Conditions


  1. Praise God, have faith and hope, forget about limitations. Thank you for spelling out the ways to be more like Abraham.

    1. You are welcome and thank God for His Word.

  2. "Abraham did not choose to think about his limitations"

    wow. Yes. Amen.
    I needed this!

    1. Yes, he made the right choice because thinking about our limitations can dampen our faith while thinking about God's power can strengthen it and help us receive our miracles.

  3. There's certainly a good reason why this guy showed up in the Hebrews 11 hall of faith! Thanks for this overview!

    1. Yes, Abraham can also be considered to be an elder in the Hebrews Hall of Faith in addition to being the father of many nations.


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