God Has Not Forgotten You: Joseph

God has not forgotten you Joseph

Joseph's life begun to spiral out of his control when his brothers sold him into slavery because he could not buy freedom for himself.

His life careened even more out of his control when his slave master's wife falsely accused him of attempted rape and he was thrown into jail because there was nothing he could do to be released since:
1. She had his garment which he had left in her hand as he was fleeing from her advances because he did not want to sin against God by committing adultery and she used this garment as proof of his evil actions. (Genesis 39)

2. Even if he was given a day in court his credibility would really be questioned because first of all he was a slave from another country and second of all he had been sold into slavery by his own brothers meaning that there was something really wrong with him for his own brothers to sell him into slavery. 

His accuser on the other hand, was the wife of an important man for Potiphar was Pharaoh's officer and a captain of the guard. 
How can I do such a wicked thing and sin against God? Psalm 39:9

Joseph's life was therefore totally out of his control since there was nothing he could physically do to remove himself from that "dungeon situation" in an Egyptian jail and take himself back to his father's house.

However, even though his life had spiraled out of his control, it had not spiraled out of God's control.

We know this to be so because God changed his status from an imprisoned foreign slave to the Prime Minister of Egypt by causing Pharaoh to dream a dream that only Joseph could interpret.
Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh, is there any thing too hard for me? Jeremiah 32:27

So if your life is spiraling out of your control as things move from bad to worse through no fault of your own, remind yourself that God has not forgotten you

Then, look for signs of His Presence in your "dungeon situation". For example in Joseph's situation it was the fact that in the house where he was enslaved, God blessed his work until his master left everything in his charge. 

In addition, even when his situation "worsened" and he was thrown in jail because of a crime he did not commit, God still blessed his work until he was put in charge of the affairs of the prisoners. 
I will see the goodness of the Lord Psalm 27:13

Therefore instead of focusing on the "overall big bad picture" of how your life has deteriorated since that fateful day, look for little clues of God's presence and focus on them. 

Focusing on these clues that God is still with you in your "dungeon situation" will keep you in a good attitude until the time for your season to change comes. 

In addition know within yourself and without a shadow of any doubt that when the time that God has set for your "dungeon situation" season to end, nothing can keep you there for 1 more second regardless of whether it is an irrevocable law or an influential person or a powerful demon or satan himself.

1. Look for clues that God is still with you and be grateful for them even if it is getting a free meal from a stranger
2. Believe in your heart that God has not forgotten you
3. Confess with your mouth each day and say that "I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living." (Psalm 27:13)

Click here to read God Has Not Forgotten You: Mary

God has not forgotten you Mary

Modern, Sunday Church Hats for Women

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