February Christian Ebook Giveaway - Christian Goal Setting

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Christian Personal Finance

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The Bible is the best Book to teach us personal finance and financial stress management because it contains numerous examples of men and women who solved their financial problems and prospered financially with God’s help.

Perfect examples of Biblical prosperous men and women include Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Solomon and the Proverbs 31 woman to mention just a few. These men and women teach us that in order to prosper in a godly manner we have to:
1. Ask for God’s Blessing
The first principle of Biblical prosperity is to ask for God’s blessing.

In the book of Genesis we see that Jacob asked God to bless him and God blessed him. We also see that as he was asking God to bless him, he was not a poor man by any standards because before he went to bed that evening, Jacob had prepared a present for his estranged brother Esau and this present consisted of 200 female goats, 20 male goats, 200 ewes, 20 rams, 30 milk camels with their colts, 40 cows, 10 bulls, 20 female donkeys and 10 foals.(Genesis 32)

Therefore, ask God to bless you and to bless all the works of your hands because God has pleasure in the prosperity of His servants. (Psalm 35:27) Ask Him to bless and expand your holdings just as Jabez did when he prayed “Oh that You Father God would bless me indeed and expand my territory.” (1 Chronicles 4:10)

2. Obey God
The second principle of Biblical prosperity is to obey God.

In the book of Genesis, we see that there was a famine in Gerar and God appeared to Isaac and told him not to go to Egypt to escape the famine. Isaac obeyed God and sowed in famine stricken Gerar. As a result of his obedience, God blessed him and he reaped a hundredfold profit on his investment that one year. (Genesis 26:2-14)

Therefore, even if you are living in the middle of a famine or a recession obey God even when His advice does not make sense to your natural human mind. Seek His guidance and then obey His directives completely because He can bless your efforts mightily and ensure that you get a miraculous hundred percent return on your investment even in a famine or recession year.

3. Heed The Commandments
The third principle of Biblical prosperity is to heed God’s commandments.

Deuteronomy 28:1-14 tells that It shall come to pass that if you obey God and carefully observe all His commandments ... all these blessings shall come upon you.
You shall be blessed in the city and blessed in the country.
The fruit of your body shall be blessed, the produce of your ground and the increase of your herds ...
Your basket and your kneading bowl shall be blessed ...
The Lord will command a blessing on your stores and in all to which you set your hand ...
And the Lord will grant you plenty of goods ...
The Lord will open to you His good treasure, the heavens, to give rain to your land in its season, and to bless all the work of your hand.
You shall lend to many nations but you shall not borrow.

Therefore, do you level best to keep all the commandments that God has given us in His Word.

4. Use Your Talents To Do Business
The fourth principle of Biblical prosperity is to use your talents to do business.

From the book of Luke we learn about the noble man who gave his servants talents before he went on a journey and told them to “Do business”. Upon his return, he asked them to account for their talents and he rewarded the first servant who had made a tenfold profit from his one talent with ten cities. (Luke 19:12-24)

Therefore, identify your talents and use them to “Do business”. For example if you can sing, offer your singing services to birthday parties and you will find as you “Do business” with your singing talent, God can bless you with ten other sources of income from that one talent. These new sources of income might range from singing in Christian crusades, receiving royalties from radio stations and mobile phone ring tone companies, owning your music recording studio and music distribution companies, starting your own music school for children, tutoring instrumentalists, training upcoming musicians, adjudicating in singing competitions and endorsing products.

5. Work Your Plan
The fifth principle of Biblical prosperity is working your plan.

Proverbs 21:5 tells us that The plans of the diligent lead to plenty while those of the hasty, lead to poverty.

Therefore, after identifying which of your talents you are going to utilize to make money, develop a plan of action after brainstorming even if you are solo brainstorming. Do not develop a rash plan of action. Instead give it much thought and prayer and then once you have fully developed it, work your plan diligently.

After working your plan and doing your best, Commit your works to the Lord, and your thoughts will be established. (Proverbs 16:3)

Christian Principles to Make Money Blogging

Christian Principles to Make Money Blogging

Pray for a Successful Blog
If you want to make money blogging, the first Biblical principle you have to apply is to pray for it. 

Scriptures that you can use to pray for your blog include:
May my blog be full of posts supplying all kinds of information. 
May my eBooks bring forth thousands and ten thousands of dollars into my accounts.
May my affiliate accounts be well laden. 
May there be no hacking into my site or plagiarizing my content.
May there be no spamming of my site. (Adapted from Psalm 144:13-14)

Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus, please Command the blessing on my blog and in all to which I set my hand. (Adapted from Deuteronomy 28:8)

Oh that You would bless my blog indeed and enlarge my online territory by increasing the traffic to my site. (Adapted from 1 Chronicles 4:10)

Picture Your Successful Blog
After praying, the second Christian principle for setting up a blog is to visualize. Therefore:
1. Visualize the number of visitors you want to visit your blog each day.
2. Visualize the number of subscribers via RSS and email that you want your blog to have.
3. Visualize the Google PageRank and Technorati ranking you want your blog to reach.

Prepare for a Successful Blog
The third Biblical principle of creating a blog is to prepare effectively by researching on the different ways to make money online. To do this you have to:
1. Read blog posts and articles which tell you how to start a blog and make money online. 

2. Choose a niche topic that you love talking about and then get ready to put all that talk into words by reading more about it and reading how you can present your know-how more effectively.

3. Read what others are currently saying about your topic of choice both online and offline. Read post by successful bloggers on how to make money blogging. 

4. Choose a blogging platform such as blogger for blogspot.com blogs or wordpress and then choose your domain name. 

Christian Giving For Financial Stress Management

Buy Christian Giving for Financial Stress Management from Amazon

The Financially Stressed Widow Of 1 Kings
In 1 Kings chapter 17:8-16, God tells Elijah to go to a widow in Zarephath since there was a famine in the land. On arrival, he finds her collecting sticks to prepare what she calls the last meal before she and her son die of starvation. Elijah asks her for some water to drink and bread to eat but she replies that she has only had a handful of flour in her bin and a little oil in a jar. Elijah then tells her to first prepare for him a small cake from that little flour and oil before she feeds her son or herself.

The widow was obedient and gave Elijah his request and as a result, her bin of flour and jar of oil fed her family for many days until rain doused the famine.

Therefore, we can learn that when our resources, financial or otherwise, are insufficient to cover our needs, we need to share them with a man or woman of God so that God can bless them until they cover all our needs.

We can also see that we need to give to the lives of a man or woman of God first. We need to give them from the best and not from the dregs at the bottom of our jars of oil. This means we should give them from the “abundance of our lack”, rather than give them the few coins that remain after we have attempted to stretch our financial resources to do what we knew they could not do in the first place.
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