Motivational Sermons that Inspire: How Badly Do Your Really Want It?

Motivational sermons that inspire: How badly do you want it?

How Badly Do You Want It? is a Christian motivational sermon that inspires you to work hand without giving up until you achieve your goal. It is also part of our Christian sermon series.
Christian sermon series

How Badly Do You Want It?
If you want something (that Jesus would approve) and people and problems are hindering your getting it, learn from the 4 men who brought a paralyzed man to one of Jesus' meetings. 

When they could not come near Jesus because of the crowd, they uncovered the roof where He was. When they had broken through it, they let down the bed on which the paralyzed man was lying. And when Jesus saw their faith (Mark 2:3-12) he healed the sick man.
There are 7 lessons that we can learn from these men about getting what we really want regardless of what our IT or goal is. These Bible lessons are:

1. If You Can’t Get In Through The Door, Climb In Through The Roof
These 4 men wanted to take the paralyzed man to where Jesus was but the crowd would not let them get in through the regular channels i.e. the door. They, therefore, had to think of a Plan B of how they would achieve their goal. They may have considered using the windows but chances are that if the crowd was so thick that they couldn’t enter through the door, the windows were also heavily populated.

Therefore, if you really want it badly enough or you really want to achieve your goal, and you can’t get in through the door, climb up the walls and get in through the roof. If they won’t let you in through the door, take your entrance by spiritual force by climbing in through the roof.

2. If You Can’t Get In Through The Open Door, Enter Through The Closed Roof  
The open door was closed to the men by the crowd and so they had to open up something for themselves so that they too could get in. There was no pre-existing opening in the roof. It was solid and closed unlike the open but heavily populated doors and windows.

Therefore if the pre-existing target market is saturated with products similar to yours and they won’t give you a second of their day or a dime of their money, create your own niche market. 

Just as they pulled the paralyzed man up to the roof, utilize pull marketing to create a new niche opening in the market for your products as you create your own opportunities if you can’t access the existing ones.

In addition, think up before you think down. That means think of how you can get in from the top first before you start thinking of how you can get in from the bottom. Think of how you can break in through the roof first before strategerizing how you are going to tunnel your way up through the floor.

3. Even If The Problems Increase, Continue Working
These 4 men had been dealing with the problem of the weight of the sick man, the weight of his bed, the uncooperative crowd and now they had to fight gravity as they tried to pull and pulley him up the roof. 

Therefore, even if the problems increase at each stage, continue working until you get your breakthrough and achieve your goal.    

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