Confess your Sins

Confession of sins is very important in the treatment of depression since guilt is one of its causes. 

We can see that unconfessed sin is bad for mental health because when David committed adultery and murder, he said “When I kept silent, my bones grew old because of my groaning all day long because Your hand was heavy upon me and my vitality was turned into drought of summer” (Psalm 32:3-4) 

Therefore, confess all your sins to God, ask Him to forgive you and receive His forgiveness. Learn from David’s situation that if you confess, God will forgive you. 

Forgive yourself also, apologize to the people you hurt and compensate them in whatever way possible for any damages they may have incurred.

After you have forgiven yourself and paid your dues to society, disregard condemnation from all sources. 

Ignore people who will try to condemn you with their words and deeds and each time they try to remind you or anyone else of your past sins, say to yourself, “There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” (Romans 8:1) 

Do not also receive condemnation from yourself in the form of self accusing thoughts so that you can forget all those things which are behind you and reach forward to those things which are ahead. (Philippians 3:13)

Pray the following confession prayer to help you fight depression:

Have mercy upon me, O God according to your lovingkindness.

According to your many tender mercies blot out my sins.

Wash me thoroughly from my sins so that I can be whiter than snow because I acknowledge my sins which are always before me.

Forgive me for I have sinned against You and done these evil things.

Help me to hear joy and gladness so that I may rejoice.

Create in me a clean heart O God and renew a right spirit within me.

Do not cast me away from your presence or withdraw your Holy Spirit from me.

Restore unto me the joy of salvation and uphold me.

Deliver me from guilt and my tongue shall sing of your righteousness. 

(Adapted from Psalm 51)


Aerobic Exercise 

Aerobic exercise is very important in the management of depression because it has been shown to be just as effective as prescription antidepressants in some cases of depression. 

Aerobic exercise also results in the release of endorphins which raise a person's spirits and help them feel better.

Therefore, choose an aerobic exercise that you enjoy and exercise even if you don’t feel like exercising for 30 minutes each day. 

If you currently don’t enjoy any form of exercise, force yourself to take at least a 15 minute walk each day. Then up the ante and begin jogging, sprinting, dancing, swimming, playing basketball or exercising to an aerobic exercise DVD in the privacy of your home.

1. Ask God to forgive you all your sins each morning and then meditate on, “There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” to remove all residual guilt from your mind. (Romans 8:1)

(NB If you are not in Christ Jesus, all you have to do is to Say with your mouth that “Jesus Christ is Lord” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead and you will be saved. (Romans 10:9) 

(NB Forgive those who have offended you because Jesus said we should pray asking God to Forgive us our debts as we have forgiven our debtors. (Matthew 6:12) 

2. Take a 15-30 minute brisk walk each day of your life. 

Be creative so that you can fit it into your lifestyle for example you can park your car in the slot that you can find so that you can take a brisk walk to your work place each day or alight from public transport one stage before your usual stage so that you can walk the rest of the way or if you work at home find an excuse to leave the house each day for example to buy a newspaper so that you can take a brisk walk to and from your errand.

3. Click here for Lesson 10

NB These therapies are to be used to complement treatment from your doctor and not to be use as substitutes for medical treatment.

Diabetes and Depression

Delink Diabetes and Depression from your life

A study done at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2008 showed that the risk of type 2 diabetes increases as the symptoms of depression increase. 

Diabetes and Depression Link
This link between Diabetes and Depression has been linked to several factors such us:

  • people who are depressed are less likely to exercise and more likely to consume excess calories which leads to obesity which is a risk factor for diabetes. 
  • a diagnosis of diabetes may lead to depression as the patient thinks of all the diabetic complications and other factors of diabetes.
  • patients who are depressed are also less likely to take their diabetes and depression medications and any other medications they may be on leading to poorly controlled diabetes and the development of diabetic complications

Delink Diabetes and Depression

Therefore, if you have diabetes ask for your doctor to screen you for depression and if you have depression ask your doctor to screen you for diabetes by doing a blood sugar test.
Then, de-link diabetes and depression from your life by doing the following:
  • exercise aerobically for instance by taking a daily walk as it is a vital component of the management of diabetes and depression.
  • eat brown rice regularly as it is a beneficial for both the management of diabetes and depression since it is rich in fiber and the B complex vitamins.
  • learn and practice effective stress management relaxation techniques since stress can worsen the symptoms of diabetes and depression.
  • loose weight if you are overweight as this will help in the management of diabetes and depression by helping you feel better about yourself as well as in helping control your blood sugar better.
  • manage depression holistically by combining Medical therapy, Biblical therapy, Psychotherapy, Social therapy, Hydrotherapy, Aromatherapy, Writing therapy, Music therapy, Talk therapy, Art therapy, Laughter therapy, Apparel therapy, Décor therapy, Dietary therapy, Herbal therapy and Nature therapy at our free Holistic Diabetic Treatment E-course.



Establish Social Support
Make friends and establish your social support system because Two people are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor and if one falls down, they other will lift up their companion. (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10)
Therefore, find friends whose company you enjoy and spend time with them to ease the loneliness of depression.  

Phone friends to reduce the loneliness of depression.

Eat more vitamin B 12 rich food
Increase your intake of dairy products, sea food and fortified cereals rich in vitamin B 12 since some studies suggest it may ease mood changes.

1. Spend time each week with friends (even if you want to be alone).

2. Ensure that there are vitamin B 12 rich food in most of your meals.  

3. Click here for Lesson 9

NB These therapies are to be used to complement treatment from your doctor and not to be use as substitutes for medical treatment.


Christian Meditation
Studies suggest that meditation may be beneficial in managing depression and since it is also a very effective relaxation technique, create time to meditate within your heart on your bed and be still. (Psalm 4:4)

Spend around 30 minutes each morning or evening meditating on or focussing on and believing positive Scripture so that you can evict all negative depressive thoughts from your mind. If your mind wanders, gently return it to the Scriptures.

You can meditate on Scriptures such as:
a. God is near to those who have a broken heart (Psalm 34:18) and He heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds. (Psalm 147:3)

b. I shall weep no more (Isaiah 30:19) because though Weeping may endure for a night season, joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5) and The days of my mourning shall be ended. (Isaiah 60:20)

c. I shall obtain joy and gladness because and sorrow and sighing shall flee away (Isaiah 35:1-10) for The Lord will comfort (insert your name), He will comfort all my waste places, He will make my wilderness like Eden and my desert like the garden of the Lord. Joy and gladness will found in it, thanksgiving and the voice of melody.  (Isaiah 51:3)

Listen to Christian meditation CDs to manage depression.

Examine yourself
 When Jeremiah was depressed and he lamented that his soul had sunk within him, (Lamentations 3:20) he saw the importance of self examination for he said, “Let us search out and examine our ways and return to the Lord.” (Lamentations 3:40)

Therefore, create time for self examination to identify where you may have turned from the straight and narrow path so that you can return to the Lord.

1. Spend around 30 minutes each morning or evening meditating on and believing positive Scriptures.

2. Schedule 15 minutes  before your meditation sessions to cross-examine yourself and correct any wrong motives so that you can return to the Lord.  

3.Click here for Lesson 8 

NB These therapies are to be used to complement treatment from your doctor and not to be use as substitutes for medical treatment.

Acne and Stress Management

Stress Causes Acne
A study published in the Archives of Dermatology proves that stress and acne are related. 

In this study college students were evaluated during relatively “stress free” periods (one month before exams) and during relatively “stressful” periods (a few days before and after exams). 

The results of this study were that high stress levels were strongly correlated with more severe acne.

Acne treatment system

Stress Hormones Can Cause Acne
This relationship between acne and stress is due to the fact that when a person is stressed, their body produces cortisol which is a stress hormone that results in an increase in the amount of oil that their skin produces. This excessive oil can clog the skin pores or pilosebaceous units resulting in acne breakouts.

Blemish clearing device

Is Your Acne Stress Related?
If you have acne, it is therefore important to find out if your acne is stress related so that you can manage it more effectively. To determine if it is, examine your face closely during “stressful periods” and see if your acne pimples are more in number, redness and size and if they last longer. If they do, then your acne is stress related.

Goodbye acne treatment system

Stress Management is Acne Treatment  
If you have stress related acne, relaxation techniques for 
effective stress management should therefore play a central role in your acne treatment program because applying acne products to your face will not solve the whole problem. Address the root cause of the stress because if it is not managed it will result in a vicious cycle in which new pimples cause more stress which in turn results in more pimples.

Acne intervention kit

Break the Cycle
Therefore, break this vicious cycle of stress and stress related acne, by practising relaxation techniques as religiously as you apply your acne treatment solutions. One such relaxation technique that is beneficial for the management of acne and stress is aerobic exercise. This is due to the fact that regular aerobic exercise decreases the amount of stress related hormones circulating in the body and results in the release endorphins which make you feel better in addition to improving your circulation which results in glowing skin. 

Therefore, take a hike or jog or play basketball or engage in any other aerobic exercise on a regular basis.

Acne for dummies

For more info on stress management relaxation techniques, read the 7 Types of Acne and  Top 10 Ways to De-Stress Naturally.

Bible Verses for Christian Goal Setting

Bible Verses for Christian Goal Setting

Christian Goal Setting teaches you how to set and achieve your goals using Biblical principles.
Buy Christian Goal Setting from Amazon
Christian Goal Setting Book Excerpt
Pray Over The Goal
The first step to achieving your goals in life is to pray over the goals.

Learn from David when he and his men’s returned to their homes in Ziklag and found that their houses had been razed and their wives and children kidnapped by the Amalekites for David inquired of the Lord saying, “Shall I pursue after this troop?” (1 Samuel 30:8)

David did not set a goal of setting out immediately before seeking the Lord’s direction. 

God then encouraged him to set out on his goal getting back his family by saying, “Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them and recover everything.” (1 Samuel 30:8)  

As a result of acknowledging God, God directed David’s path and he and his men found an Egyptian who had been a servant of one of the kidnapping Amalekites. This Egyptian had been left to die in the field by his master when he fell sick and he led David and his men to the hideout of the Amalekite attackers.

David and his men were therefore able to find and fight the Amalekites and they recovered all their family members and all their property. (1 Samuel 30:11-19)

Therefore, Do not be wise in your own eyes. (Proverbs 3:7) Or, in other words do not consider yourself so wise that you do not need God’s guidance. 

Instead, In all your ways acknowledge God and He shall direct your paths. (Proverbs 3:6) Seek God’s direction before you set out to set your goals because He can help you save time and money for David and his men could have wasted days and even weeks looking for the Amalekites’ hideout if the Lord had not directed their paths to the ailing Egyptian who was willing to lead them to his cruel master.

In addition, the Bible also tells us that “If any person lacks wisdom, let them ask God who gives to all liberally and it shall be given to them.” (James 1:5) Therefore, ask for the wisdom to set and pursue the right goals in the sight of God. 

But, there is a caveat to receiving this wisdom for the next verses say, “But let that person ask in faith, without wavering because the person who wavers is like a wave in the sea tossed by the wind. Let not that person think that they shall receive anything from the Lord because they are double minded and unstable in all their ways.” (James 1:6-8)

Therefore, as you ask for wisdom and help in setting your goals, you have to ask while believing that God can give you all the wisdom that you need.
Click here to buy Christian Goal Setting

Click here to read other  Christian Self Help eBooks.


Examining Beliefs

When you cling to false or negative beliefs about yourself, these beliefs result in negative feelings and negative behaviour which may contribute to depression.

For example if you believe "I am ugly", you will never feel good about yourself and you may even engage in self destructive behaviour. 

But, if you change this belief to "I am wonderfully made" (Psalm 139:14) and continue telling yourself that you are wonderful, even if you don't fell like it, you will be able to feel good about yourself and make better life choices.

Therefore, examine your beliefs or opinions about yourself and change the negative ones into positive ones that line up with what God’s Word says about you.

Don't put a Period where God put a Comma
Self Esteem for Christians

Eat more folic acid rich food

Folic acid or folate deficiency has been associated with depression in some elderly patients. Therefore increase your folate intake by eating more green leafy vegetables, dried beans and nuts.

Green leafy vegetables are rich in folic acid.

1. Examine your beliefs or opinions about yourself and see if you harbour any negative ones. If you do change them into positive ones so that you can begin to feel good about yourself.

2. Ensure that there are folate rich food in most of your meals. 

3. Click here for Lesson 7

NB These therapies are to be used to complement treatment from your doctor and not to be use as substitutes for medical treatment.

Top 10 Self Care for Stress Relief Strategies

Top 10 Self Care for Stress Relief Strategies

Self-care involves spending time, energy and money taking care of your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being by engaging in a self-directed activity that nourishes your mind, body or spirit. 

Though self-care activities can range from taking a nap or a walk to reading a good book, getting your hair done or just sipping a cup of tea, learning how to relieve stress while taking care of your self can help you achieve two goals at the same time.

The following top 10 self-care activities for dealing with stress will help you do this since they also serve as effective stress relief strategies.

Asserting yourself is a direct way of clearly expressing your feelings and needs without hurting the other person's feelings or minimizing what you want to say. 

It is the perfect self-care cum stress relief strategy because expressing your unmet needs is one step in the journey of managing the stress of living with an unmet need and it is also a step which shows that you are taking care of yourself.

Therefore, create time to assert yourself if you have any unmet needs in your life that are stressing you. 

Christian assertiveness training

Disregarding condemnation is a perfect stress relief activity since it reduces the mental burden placed on you by the negative opinions of others and your own negative self image. 

Disregarding condemnation is also a self care activity since by reducing those burdens on your mind, it helps you feel better mentally and emotionally.

Therefore, create time for taking care of yourself and managing stress by disregarding condemnation.To do this do the following:

1. Confess your sins to God, ask Him to forgive you and receive His forgiveness. 
2. Let Jesus into your life by saying "Jesus is Lord" and believing in your heart that when He died for our sins, God raised Him up. (Romans 10:9) 
3. Apologize to the people you offended, pay your dues for the damages you caused and then remind yourself that There is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. (Romans 8:1)
How to fight condemnation with Bible verses

Declaring affirmations helps you manage stress by countering the negativity of negative thoughts and feelings. It also a self care activity since it builds you up mentally, emotionally and even spiritually by giving you hope.

Therefore, create time to declare positive declarations that are specific for your stressful situation over yourself. Perfects examples of Scriptural affirmations include I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13)

Christian affirmations and meditations

Pampering yourself is a stress relief activity because when you are pampering yourself, you take your mind off the stressful situation and you are therefore able to relax. It is also a self care activity since pampering using involves engaging in a physically or mentally nurturing activity.

Therefore, create time for one of the most enjoyable stress management techniques by regularly treating yourself with lovingkindness for example by checking into a spa for a manicure, pedicure and facial or giving yourself one at home.

How to create a chic spa at home

Taking a warm, aromatherapy bath is a perfect way to relieve stress at the end of a rough day as the warm water loosens stiff muscles and the essential oils calm your mind. It is also a self care activity since it nurtures you physically and mentally.

Therefore, create time to engage in one of the most aromatic ways to deal with stress by regularly luxuriating in an aromatherapeutic bath. Even when you don't have hours to spare, adding a few drops of relaxing lavender essential oil to your bath water can help you relieve stress. For more stress management tips using essential oils, read Aromatherapy for Stress Management.
Aromatherapy for stress management

Humoring yourself is a perfect stress relief strategy since humour is an excellent stress reducer. Humoring yourself is also self care since a merry heart is as good as medicine. (Proverbs 17:22)

Therefore, create time for one of the funniest stress management strategies and make yourself laugh by watching funny TV shows or hilarious movies on DVDs or live shows of your favourite comedians or you can also watch humorous online videos or read joke books.

Funny 4 God

Balancing your diet by ensuring that it is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and water is a stress relief strategy since it helps your body cope will all the biochemical changes taking place as a result of your stressful activity. 

Balancing your diet is also a self care activity since it is a physically nurturing and nourishing process.

Therefore, create time to plan your meals. You can begin by avoiding sugary foods which cause a rapid rise followed by a rapid drop of your blood sugar level that may worsen the irritability and mood swings which you may already be experiencing as a result of your stressful situation. In addition, do not forget to take your daily balanced multi-vitamin, multi-mineral supplement.

Stress Vitamins

Drinking herbal teas with soothing herbs like chamomile and passionflower offers stress relief by help you calm down after a stressful day. It is also a self care activity since it is a self directed physically nurturing activity.

Therefore, create time to sip your favorite herbal teas. You can brew your own herbal tea at home by steeping your chosen herbs in boiling water for around 15 minutes and then drinking it warm after sweetening it with honey.
Self care ideas

Praying for yourself helps you manage stress since it is a form of talk therapy in which you discuss your stressors with Jesus who can solve all your problems. It is also effective self care since it is a spiritually nurturing activity.

Therefore, schedule time to talk to your Creator everyday and ask Him for help in solving the problems you cannot solve by yourself.

How to pray effectively

Establishing a relaxation routine is a vital component of any stress management program since it programs stress management into your life. It also constitutes self care since a relaxation routine improves your physical and mental health.

Therefore, create time to create your personalized relaxation routine and to practice it regularly. A simple relaxation routine might involve stretching for 10 minutes each evening, taking a relaxing aromatherapeutic bath, reading a calming book such as the Bible, sipping soothing herbal teas, saying a prayer and then listening to peaceful music as you drift off to sleep. 
Rules of relaxation

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