The Liberation of Trusting God

The liberation of trusting God

Trusting God is a very liberating step when managing stress since it frees you from the distress of stress.

This is because whether you have diseases that have no cure or conditions that you cannot change or problems that you cannot terminate and you trustingly forward them to God in prayer, you release yourself from the oppression of worrying and fearing the potentially terrible outcomes of your stressful situations.

This mental release of your problems to God combined with trustingly focusing your mind on His ability to help you floods your mind with peace for His Word promises us that He will keep the person whose mind is stayed on Him in perfect peace because He trusts in Him. (Isaiah 26:3)
You will keep in perfect peace the person whose mind is stayed on you because they trust in You. Isaiah 26;3

Therefore put your trust in God and remain focused on His ability to help you instead of your inability to help yourself and you will have peace of mind. You will be at peace even if the disease is still in your body or even if you are still in debt or even if your children are still on drugs because you trust that God is taking care of the problem.

This perfect peace from God will thus enable you to relax in the middle of problems. You will be so peaceful that you be able to sleep in the middle of your stormy stressful situation because you trust the Master at the helm completely even if you don’t understand why the storm is taking so long to calm down.

So get in the habit of trusting God to solve your problems and you will liberate your mind from the distress of stress.

Christian stress management course

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