Strengthen Your Faith Devotional Day 3

Strengthen Your Faith Devotional Day 3

Bible Reading

There was a famine in the land … and the Lord appeared unto Isaac and said, “Do not go down to Egypt … Sojourn in this land and I will be with you and will bless you …and so Isaac dwelt in Gerar … Then Isaac sowed in that land received in the same year a hundredfold.” (Genesis 26:1-12)

We can see that when there was a famine in Gerar, Isaac obeyed God and stayed there instead of going down to Egypt. He then sowed in the midst of the famine-stricken land and received a hundredfold in the same year.

Therefore believe that God can enable you to get a 100% profit from your investment in one year even in the middle of a famine situation because With God all things are possible. (Matthew 19:26) 

In addition believe that, God is not a respector of persons (Acts 10:34) which means that what He did for Isaac, He can also do for you.

However, you must obey God’s instructions because Isaac obeyed God and remained where he was instead of going to Egypt to escape the famine. In addition, ensure that you believe without dithering that God can give you a miraculous profit. If your faith is wavering read How to Increase your Faith

How to Increase your Faith


Heavenly Father I ask You in the name of Jesus to help me hear your instructions and to obey them so that I can receive my miraculous harvest like Isaac. Father God I also ask to help me remember that All things are possible for the person who believes (Mark 9:23) so that I can believe without wavering that With God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26) including getting a 100fold profit in a recession year.

Bible Verse Meditation

Isaac sowed in the land and received in the same year a hundredfold. (Genesis 26:12)

You can even modify it and meditate on (insert your name) sowed in the land and received in the same year a hundredfold
Devotions for Women



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